Thursday, March 22, 2007

Problem Solving - 16

Six mobsters have arrived at the theater for the premiere of the film “Goodbuddies.” One of the mobsters, Frankie, is an informer, and he's afraid that another member of his crew, Joey, is on to him. Frankie, wanting to keep Joey in his sights, insists upon standing behind Joey in line at the concession stand. How many ways can the six arrange themselves in line such that Frankie’s requirement is satisfied?

(A) 6
(B) 24
(C) 120
(D) 360
(e) 720

Answer : D

Frankie wants to keep Joe in his sights, therefore Joe will always be ahead of F in the queue. (take care this doesnot implies that Joe and Frankie will be together)

1. Frankie is in last position in the queue, then Joe can be in any position from 1 to 5 = 5!

2. Frankie is in the 5th position in the queue then Joe can be in any of the positions 1 to 4 (positions ahead of Frankie) i.e 4 ways and rest of mobsters will be positioned in rest 4 places (4!) ways. = 4*4!

3. Frankie is in the 4th position then Joe can be take any place between 1 to 3 (positions ahead of Frankie) 3 ways and rest of the mobsters will be positioned in rest of 4 places i.e 4!ways. = 3*4!

4. Frankie is in the 3rd position then Joe can be in 1 or 2 places (i.e positions ahead of Frankie) 2 ways and rest of mobsters will be positioned in rest of the 4 places (4!) ways. = 2*4!

5. Frankie is in placed in the 2nd position then Joe can only be in 1st position i.e only position ahead him i.e 1 way and rest of mobsters will be placed in the rest of the 4 places (4!) ways. = 1*4!

Thus total no of ways = 5! + ( 4 * 4! ) + ( 3 * 4! ) + ( 2 * 4! ) + ( 1 * 4! ) = 360