Monday, February 26, 2007

DS Question - 14

How many odd integers are greater than integer X and less than the integer Y?

1). there are 12 even integers greater than X and less than Y
2). there are 24 integers greater than X and less than Y

Answer -- B

From statement 1) -- We cannot determine about both X, Y being even or odd
. ... hence insufficient

From statement 2) -- There are 24 integers between X and Y
Let it start with an even integer ...if so then it will end with an odd integer or if it starts with an odd integer then it will end with an even integer ...hence there will always be 12 odd and 12 even integers in the total of 24 consecutive integers
consider X=2, Y=27 thus the series will be is 2 ... 26, 27
X=3, Y=28, thus the series will be 3, ... 27, 28
In each case, the total number of odd integers is the same
... hence sufficient