Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Data Sufficiency - 44

In triangle ABC, AB has a length of 10 and D is the midpoint of AB. What is the length of line segment DC?

(1) Angle C= 90
(2) Angle B= 45

Answer: A

From statement (1): it is given that angle C = 90 degrees ...this implies that ABC is a right angle triangle with AB as the hypotenuse and DC as the median. We know that --- In all right triangles, the median on the hypotenuse is the half of the hypotenuse. Hence DC=5

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Data Sufficiency - 43

In the figure shown, what is the value of x?

The length of line segment of QR is equal to the length of line segment RS
(2) The length of line segment of ST is equal to the length of line segment TU

Answer: C

From statement (1): Length of line segment of QR is equal to the length of line segment RS ..this implies angle RQS = angle RSQ = p(say)
From statement (2): Length of line segment of ST is equal to the length of line segment TU .. this implies angle TUS = angle TSU = q(say)

Hence p+p+angle QRS = 180 --- eq(1) and q+q+angle UTS = 180 --- eq(2)
Thus, p+q+x = 180

Now because angle RPT = 90, QRS+UTS= 90
adding eq(1) and eq(2) we get:
2p+2q+QRS+UTS = 360
p+q = 270/2 = 135

Now x = 180-p-q..hence the answer C
x = 180 - (p+q) = 180 - 135 = 45